Vi utväxlade bilder av den totala månförmörkelsen i Malmö 2018-07-27 samt från den partiella solförmörkelsen i Kiruna 2018-08-11. Reportage från båda dessa evenemang finns på och på
Samtliga bilder från den partiella solförmörkelsen är tagna i Abisko, där den svenska bilen hade kört in på parkeringen.
Bengt-Erik Wingren.Hans Kronkvist.
Erik Johansson intervjuades av TV4 under solförmörkelsen och tittade på den samtidigt genom svetsglas, men fick åtminstone en bild på Lapporten.
Erik Johansson: Lapporten.
Tora Greve intervjuades av Sveriges Radio P4 Norrbotten och tittade på solförmörkelsen genom svetsglas. Hon stod med den internationella bilen mitt på E10 och fotograferade Rob och Helen Lucas medan de fotograferade solförmörkelsen.
Tora Greve: Rob och Helen Lucas observerar solförmörkelsen.
Vi tittade på bilder från resan.
Därefter drack vi kaffe. Det stod en massa odiskade koppar i köket så vi drack kaffe i engångskoppar.
Vi bestämde inget nytt möte, Tora kallar när något nytt händer.
Report from Tora Greve:
Professor Jay Pasachoff asked me to arrange a trip to the Arctic to observe the partial solar eclipse on August 11. So I decided for Kiruna, since the town is being moved because of sinkholes. Besides, it was possible to chase for good weather both into the mountains and to the coast. I made up an itinerary which included:
Friday 10: Moving into Hotell Samegård. Dinner at an ethnic Arctic restaurant.
Saturday 11: Chasing for clear sky, watching the eclipse before noon.
Rainbow at E10 highway. Photo Tora Greve.
PSE. Photo Robert Lucas.
The pedestrians give a damn. Photo Robert Lucas.
Investigating the city of Kiruna on foot in the afternoon. Dinner at an ethnic Arctic restaurant.
Kiruna wooden church. Photo Tora Greve.The famous Erskine buildings. Photo Tora Greve.
Sunday 12: Visiting the information center of the Swedish rocket center Esrange. Then a tour to Jukkasjärvi to see the Ice Hotel. Dinner at an ethnic Arctic restaurant.
Tora and Torsten outside the entrance to Esrange. Photo Erik Johansson.Exterior Ice Hotel in summer. Photo Tora Greve.Bedroom inside the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi. Photo Tora Greve.
Monday 13: Visiting the Sami Museum if possible before the departure.
When we arrived, 10 persons were reduced to 7 in 2 cars.
We succeeded in finding an open ethnic restaurant Friday and Saturday, but on Sunday only Thai restaurants, pizzerias and hamburger places were open. We ate breakfast at Best Western almost next door to our hotel.
We were seriously chasing the sun along the highway E10, lucky to see the eclipse and even reindeer. On our tour in Kiruna we met some locals with beautiful dogs whom we talked to. We managed to get into the wooden church which will be moved. At Esrange everything was free, both the exhibition and coffee and cakes. We joined the tour in the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi. It was very expensive, but retired people, no matter of origin, paid half price, and we were all retired. The tour was very interesting, we first visited the factory where the ice from the river and lake is stored. One part of the hotel was covered by dirt and plants so the ice was intact during the summer.
The last day the servants returned to our hotel, we got breakfast and was even allowed for free into the Sami Museum before we checked out.
Erik Johansson was interviewed by TV, Tora Greve by SR P4 Norrbotten in connexion with the solar eclipse.